Favorite Seed Sources

Feb 18, 2025

It's that time of year. The time when it is negative something outside, and it is also time to start some seeds -- or at least go through your stock and see what you need order. I am often asked about where I get my seeds and where I start them -- and specifically, if I start them in my greenhouse. The answer to the last question is no. While I would love to, my greenhouse is small and unheated. And even if it were, it would not be warm enough for a lot of the seeds I start.

The greenhouse does come into play later in the spring, though, when there is still concern for frosty nights, but the days are perfect for seedlings -- lots of light and a lovely warm environment. The greenhouse has made it so every surface of the house is not covered with seedlings for most of April and May. So it's definitely a win! But that's not what you asked. I start my seeds in the basement:) I have shelves with lights and heat mats for the warm weather lovers (tomatoes, peppers, etc.). 

As for where I get my seeds...I have favorite suppliers, and I save some from the previous year's garden. Here is a list of some of my very favorite companies:

Flowers and Vegetables

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

Botanical Interests


Grand Prismatic Seeds

High Mowing


Renee's Garden

Seed Savers Exchange

Sunflower Steve Seed Company

Three Porch Farm

Territorial Seeds